Bird watching in sri lanka

Plan your visit to Kokkilai Bird Sanctuary

Kokkilai Bird Sanctuary Birdwatcher's Paradise


Kokkilai sanctuary is a haven for birdwatchers, providing an ideal destination for planning a memorable birding trip. Located in the North-Eastern part of Sri Lanka, this sanctuary boasts a diverse range of bird species and breathtaking natural beauty. Nestled amidst lush vegetation, including mangroves and coastal forests, it offers a picturesque setting for spotting a wide variety of feathered friends. Bird enthusiasts can expect to encounter an impressive array of species such as Painted Storks, Asian Openbills, and White-bellied Sea Eagles. To make the most of this birding experience, it is recommended to bring binoculars, a field guide, and a camera to capture the beauty of these winged wonders. Don't forget to wear comfortable clothing and sturdy footwear for exploration. As you embark on your adventure, be prepared to be mesmerized by the enchanting melodies and graceful flights of the avian inhabitants of Kokkilai sanctuary.

Bird watching in sri lanka
Bird watching in sri lanka

Let’s explore the Kokkilai Bird Sanctuary.

A true paradise for birdwatchers in Sri Lanka.

  1. Location:

    • The Kokkilai Bird Sanctuary is located in the northern part of Sri Lanka.

    • It lies approximately 25 kilometers southeast of Mullaitivu.

    • The sanctuary is situated near the immensely popular beach-bound port city of Trincomalee.

  2. Vegetation:

    • The sanctuary features a mix of habitats:

      • Mangrove swamps: These provide ideal feeding grounds for various bird species.

      • Coastal plains: Offering nesting sites and shelter.

      • Thick rainforest surroundings: Perfect for exotic birds.

  3. Bird Species:

    • Kokkilai is home to a diverse avian population, including:

      • Cormorants

      • Ducks

      • Egrets

      • Flamingoes

      • Herons

      • Ibis

      • Pelicans

      • Storks

    • The sanctuary is a true bird-watcher’s paradise, with cameo appearances from other animals like elephants.

  4. Preparation Tips:

    • Footwear: Wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking along the sanctuary.

    • Clothing: Dress in lightweight, breathable attire for the tropical climate.

    • Binoculars: Bring quality binoculars to spot birds from a distance.

    • Guide: Consider hiring a local guide familiar with the sanctuary.

    • Water and Snacks: Stay hydrated and carry energy-boosting snacks.

    • Camera: Capture the beauty of both birds and nature.

  5. Exploration:

    • Take your time to explore the sanctuary’s well-marked trails.

    • Use the viewing points to quietly observe the feathered residents.

    • Enjoy the peaceful ambiance and the thrill of spotting rare bird species.

Remember to respect the sanctuary’s tranquility and immerse yourself in the symphony of bird calls echoing through Kokkilai!



Kokkilai Bird Sanctuary, Sri Lanka

Working Hours

