Bird watching in sri lanka

Plan your visit to Karaveddy Lagoon

Karaveddi Lagoon (Thondaimanaru Lagoon)


Karaveddi lagoon (Thondaimanaru Lagoon), located in North of Sri Lanka, is a haven for birdwatchers seeking an unforgettable experience in the world of avian wonders. Nestled amidst a picturesque setting, this lagoon boasts a diverse range of habitats, making it a haven for a multitude of bird species. Its lush vegetation of mangroves, seagrass beds, and marshes provides the perfect sanctuary for both resident and migratory birds. Birdwatchers can expect to witness a dazzling array of species, including the Painted stocks, the elusive Pied kingfisher, and other stocks. To ensure an optimal birding adventure, it is advisable to pack essentials such as binoculars, a field guide, and comfortable walking shoes. Don't forget to bring sun protection and insect repellent, as the best vantage points may require spending hours under the sun. With its stunning natural beauty and rich avifauna, Karaveddi lagoon is a must-visit destination for bird enthusiasts seeking to immerse themselves in Sri Lanka's vibrant birdlife.

Bird watching in sri lanka
Bird watching in sri lanka

Let’s explore this serene wetland:

Let’s explore this serene wetland, Karaveddy Lagoon:
  1. Location:

    • Karaveddy Lagoon is situated near the town of Karaveddy, in the Jaffna District.

    • It covers an area of approximately 1,000 hectares.

    • The lagoon is flanked by lush greenery and mangroves.

  2. Vegetation:

    • The lagoon features a mix of habitats:

      • Mangroves: These provide shelter and nesting sites for various bird species.

      • Salt marshes: Ideal for wading birds.

      • Lagoons: Home to waterbirds and migratory species.

  3. Bird Species:

    • Karaveddy Lagoon hosts a variety of birdlife:

      • Waterbirds: Look out for egrets, herons, and storks.

      • Shorebirds: Sandpipers, plovers, and curlews.

      • Migratory Birds: Depending on the season, you may spot migratory species.

      • Kingfishers, bee-eaters, and warblers add color to the landscape.

  4. How to Prepare:

    • Binoculars: Bring a good pair for close-up views.

    • Field Guide: Carry a bird identification guidebook.

    • Comfortable Clothing: Lightweight attire suitable for warm weather.

    • Sun Protection: Sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses.

    • Footwear: Sturdy shoes for walking.

    • Camera: Capture those avian moments!

    • Local Guide: Consider hiring a knowledgeable guide for insights and hidden gems.

Best Time to Visit:

  • The ideal time to visit Karaveddy Lagoon is during the dry season (from May to September).

  • Early mornings and late afternoons are excellent for birdwatching.

Pack your gear and get ready for an unforgettable birding experience at Karaveddy Lagoon!



Thondaimanaru Lagoon, Sri Lanka

Working Hours

6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
